Whats going on @ Fertile Pastures Farm? Event Notifications and Discount Codes.


Welcome to Fertile Pastures, Georgetown Kentucky.    We are passionate about  providing you with the healthiest, most nutrient dense and flavorful pasture raised meats available anywhere.

Animals, raised on pasture are a healthier alternative to conventional confinement products.  We sell Grassfed Beef, Forest Raised Pork and Pasture Raised Eggs,  produced as nature intended - outside without GMOs or chemical additives.  

We use livestock to mimic the mob and roaming behaviors of the native american buffalo which were once common in Kentucky!  We are bringing back the lush pastures, oak savanna and the plant diversity that increase soil biology, minerals  and organic matter in the soil.    Our methods store carbon to combat climate change and simultaneously provide you with a healthy source of pasture raised meats. 

Introducing the Farm-Share

Looking for a tastier and healthier option for Beef and Pork?
Our Pasture raised meats are delivered to your door each month with no long term commitment.
The Farm-Share is a box of frozen retail packaged cuts of meat
It's sized to the the number of people in your family and how often you cook so that it fits easily into your freezer.
The share is customized to match the meat cuts that you use most often, minimizing undesired cuts.


How does it work?


Choose your Meat(s)

Choose a Farm-Share size

Choose a one time delivery or discounted monthly delivery


Farm Shares delivered on the 2nd Tuesday of each month

Free home delivery in the greater Lexington area

Neighborhood delivery locations in Louisville and Cincinnati


Need to Pause the Farmshare? Increase or decrease the share size? Cancel? Its easy!

No long term commitment

  Customizable to match your needs


We will definitely be getting more pork chops asap!!! The eggs are always great too!!

LL - Lexington, KY